Life Skills Visual Teaching Program
Comprehensive Teaching Tool
Learn all of this for $9.99
This is a Complete Training of the Entire Home.
It's One Video That is 27 Minutes Long
- Teach Your Partner Professional House Cleaning Skills Before The Baby Comes
- Make Parents Better Teachers
- Self Improvement of Personal Skills

Experience We have 25 years of experience cleaning high end homes
We have made one of the most comprehensive visual training videos to help teach us all to become skilled and more time efficient cleaners of our living spaces.
Look at our Free Sample Video so you can see how well you can learn from our Visual Training Video.
We believe
As parents, it's our primary responsibility to teach our kids the life skills they'll need to be prepared for their future. This video is a tool to help you teach with easy-to-follow visual instructions and, then together with hands-on instruction, to build confidence and pride in the family home. Children become active participants and learn valuable skills, too.
The methods and techniques will improve everyone's cleaning skills no matter what your skill level. Improved time management means more free time.

Put Her Mind At Ease
It's a chance for all partners to let their birthing partner rest assured the job of maintaining and
keeping the home clean is now in their professional trained hands. It gives a sense of pride to know that the concern of keeping everything clean during her recovery will be done by her loving partner. Peace of mind knowing their family is prepared to handle this life chore during and after her recovery.
Give yourself and your mate the best chance to be prepared to start out on this life adventure ready and able to step in and fill a vital role in your family's needs. Having the right tool to teach makes all the difference. Give your partner the skills so both of you know this job will be handled. Your home will be ready and clean for the new baby and guest.
Just give these men the skills to help. They will thank you for giving them the chance to show you and the new baby their commitment to your family.
Cleaning Service
For folks who may be looking to hire a cleaning service for the first time, this will give you a starting point to judge the company or individuals who come to your home for what should be a free estimate.
We offer Zoom consultations to help you get prepared for setting the expectations and problem solving to start on the right foot. Questions on home entries and valuables damages. Usually, half an hour is sufficient. The consultation fee is $50.00.
Send Your Questions to Our Contact Page to Schedule a Zoom Call

Our Mission Statement
Wisk Away Concepts offers a proven visual teaching tool to help everyone become an efficient quality cleaner for their living space.
We give back to people in need. We at Wisk Away Concepts believe, with your support, we all can help people who find themselves in a tough financial position. Therefore a portion of the sale of this program will be given to Food Banks to help feed the needy.
Look at our Free Sample Video so you can see how well you can learn from our Visual Training Video.